Thursday, May 21, 2020

Qué es el Servicio militar selectivo en EE.UU.

En EE.UU. ciudadanos, residentes, asilados, refugiados e incluso los migrantes indocumentados varones està ¡n obligados a registrarse para el Sistema de Servicio Selectivo. Servicio Selectivo en EE.UU. En EE.UU. no existe el servicio militar obligatorio pero sà ­ el Servicio Selectivo.Los varones entre 18 y 25 aà ±os de edad deben registrarseLa obligacià ³n tambià ©n aplica a los migrantes indocumentados.  ¿Quà © es el Servicio Selectivo en EE.UU.? El Servicio Selectivo es la obligacià ³n de registrarse en una lista que manejar una agencia federal conocida como SSS. Aunque el servicio militar obligatorio se eliminà ³ en 1973 y desde entonces el Ejà ©rcito està ¡ formado por tropas profesionales y es voluntario. Sin embargo, podrà ­a establecerse de nuevo el servicio militar obligatorio en una situacià ³n de emergencia nacional. El objetivo del Servicio Selectivo es que si el gobierno lo necesitase, podrà ­a establecer en base a ese listado quià ©nes tendrà ­an que prestar un servicio militar obligatorio. En este caso serà ­an llamados a filas los varones registrados en el Servicio Selectivo segà ºn su fecha de nacimiento y mediante un sistema de sorteo, siguiendo las directrices establecidas en la ley.  ¿Quià ©nes està ¡n obligados a registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo? En EE.UU. deben registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo todos los varones entre los 18 y los 25 aà ±os de edad que se encuentren en alguna de las categorà ­as siguientes: Ciudadanos estadounidenses Todos los nacidos con posterioridad al 31 de diciembre de 1959. Esta obligacià ³n afecta tambià ©n a las personas con doble nacionalidad e, incluso, a los ciudadanos que residen habitualmente en otro paà ­s. Residentes permanentes legales Esta obligacià ³n aplica incluso cuando han pedido permiso para pasar una temporada fuera de los Estados Unidos. Otros migrantes Refugiados, asilados, parolees, trabajadores agrà ­colas especiales de temporada I-688 y migrantes  indocumentados Esta obligacià ³n existe aunque el varà ³n està © incapacitado parcialmente tanto fà ­sica como mentalmente siempre y cuando pueda funcionar en pà ºblico. Los migrantes que solicitan ajuste de estatus o una visa de inmigrante serà ¡n inscritos automà ¡ticamente, si cumplen los requisitos.  ¿Quià ©nes NO està ¡n obligados a registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo? En primer lugar, las mujeres de cualquier edad y los varones mayores de 26 aà ±os. Ademà ¡s, tampoco deben registrarse los  turistas con un I-94 sin expirar, diplomà ¡ticos y sus familias, estudiantes extranjeros y trabajadores temporales y demà ¡s extranjeros con visas và ¡lidas y que està ¡n cumpliendo los requisitos de sus respectivos programas, como la H-1, L-1, F-1, J-1, etc. Hay que tener en cuenta que cualquier visitante con visa no inmigrante como las seà ±aladas en el artà ­culo anterior se queda en Estados Unidos por mà ¡s de 30 dà ­as en situacià ³n ilegal tiene la obligacià ³n de registrarse. Tampoco està ¡n obligados los ciudadanos y los migrantes que prestan servicio activo en una de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito o en la Guardia Nacional o està ¡n en una de sus academias o en programas de oficiales en instituciones como The Citadel, Virginia Military Institute, etc. Finalmente, tampoco està ¡n obligados a registrarse los enfermos fà ­sicos o mentales que està ¡n internados en una residencia, hospital o institucià ³n, los encarcelados, hasta que salen de prisià ³n y los agricultores temporales I-688A.  ¿Cuà ¡ndo y cà ³mo registrarse para el Servicio Selectivo? En los 30 dà ­as siguientes a cumplir los 18 aà ±os o al momento en que nace la obligacià ³n. Por ejemplo, un residente permanente que entra por primera vez al paà ­s con 23 aà ±os, pues tiene 30 dà ­as a partir de ese momento. Se puede hacer la registracià ³n: Por internet en la pà ¡gina oficial de SSS.govEn una oficina de CorreosMarcando la casilla oportuna al rellenar el formulario de FAFSAEn la High School en la que se estudiaLos ciudadanos en el extranjero puede registrarse por internet o solicitar asistencia en una oficina consular. Tambià ©n puede rellenarse la inscripcià ³n en papel y enviarla a: Selective Service SystemP.O. Box 94739Palatine, IL 60094-4739  ¿Cà ³mo verificar que se està ¡ inscrito en el Servicio Selectivo? Puede checarse en la pà ¡gina de internet Hacer click en Check Registration e introducir los datos personales.  ¿Cuà ¡les son las consecuencias de no registrarse en el Servicio Selectivo? Prohibicià ³n de acceder a determinados trabajos federalesPà ©rdida de beneficios federalesNo se califica para becas del gobierno federalPuede ser causa para que se rechace una peticià ³n para hacerse ciudadano americano por naturalizacià ³nEn algunos estados supone la imposibilidad de obtener la licencia de manejar En casos extraordinarios, los muchachos que no se inscriben podrà ­an recibir una multa por un mà ¡ximo de $250.000 y ser castigados a un mà ¡ximo de cinco aà ±os en prisià ³n. Se calcula que el 92 por ciento de los varones entre las edades de 18 y 25 aà ±os sà ­ que se registran para el Servicio Selectivo. Consejos prà ¡cticos sobre cà ³mo manejar el Servicio Selectivo Entre uno y tres meses despuà ©s de la registracià ³n se recibirà ¡ una tarjeta que sirve de prueba de haber cumplido con esta obligacià ³n. Si no se recibe puede marcarse al 1-847-688-6888 para solicitar informacià ³n. Cabe destacar que si se produce algà ºn cambio en relacià ³n a la informacià ³n brindada, como por ejemplo un cambio de nombre o de domicilio, hay la obligacià ³n de reportarlo en los diez dà ­as siguientes a que se produzca. Puede hacerse marcando al telà ©fono seà ±alado en el pà ¡rrafo anterior, en internet en la pà ¡gina del SSS  o en una oficina de Correos. Informacià ³n interesante sobre migrantes y Ejà ©rcito Como regla general, los  indocumentados no pueden alistarse  en el Ejà ©rcito de los Estados Unidos, en ninguna de sus ramas. Para todos los latinos que sà ­ pueden alistarse en el Ejà ©rcito y desean explorar esta opcià ³n como carrera, es conveniente tener en cuenta e informarse sobre los beneficios y los posibles incentivos que conlleva ingresar a cualquiera de las ramas del Ejà ©rcito. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Death Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare - 1494 Words

Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. Many people believe in karma, the idea that personal actions dictate future endeavors, and do good deeds to ensure that they live a prosperous life. The logic is that if a person commits negative actions, negative events will happen to them. A prime example of this ideology is found in the play Hamlet. Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, was composed in 1601 following the death of Shakespeare’s son, Hamlet. The play focuses on the prince of Denmark, Hamlet, as he discovers the truth about his father s death and the events that follow. Shortly after the death of Hamlet’s father, Gertrude, Hamlet’s mother, marries Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius. Hamlet does not agree with the marriage of his†¦show more content†¦To expand, Laertes responds to Hamlet by explaining, â€Å" in my terms of honor/ I stand aloof; and will no reconcilement/ Till by some elder masters, of known honor,/ I have a voice and prece dent of peace/ To keep my name ungored.†(247-251). Laertes’s tone is nothing of acceptance and disregards Hamlet’s apology. Laertes tells Hamlet that until a master or honor explains to him how to forgive Hamlet without tarnishing his name; he will not. Laertes does not express forgiveness and plans to revenge the death of his father, which leads to his own death. If Laertes moves past the murder of Polonius and does not plan to murder Hamlet, he would not parish. The inability of Laertes to forgive and attempt to understand Hamlet’s apology subsequently affect Laertes in the end. The idea that forgiveness and love produce positive karma while ignorance and hatred create bad karma shines through during this scene. Ultimately, the negative actions of Laertes end in his downfall. The hostile and unforgiving tone of Laertes foreshadows the deaths of himself, Hamlet, Claudius, and Gertrude that soon follow. Both Hamlet and Laertes can prevent their deaths, but because of their negative actions, the equal and opposite reaction affects them and leads to their well deserved deaths. In addition to tone, irony highlights the idea of karma. While Laertes and Hamlet fence, theyShow MoreRelatedThe Death Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1427 Words   |  6 Pagesa ghost, Denmark is on the verge of damage. Directly following King Hamlet s death, the widowed Queen, Gertrude, remarried Claudius, the King s brother. Prince Hamlet optically discerns the joining together of his mother and uncle as a hasty and incestuous act (Charles Boyce, 232). He then ascertains that Claudius is responsible for his father s perfidious murder. His father s ghost asks Hamlet to avenge his death and Hamlet concurs. He plans very punctiliously, ascertaining that he doesn tRead MoreThe Death Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare Essay2134 Words   |  9 Pagesin return for a wrong; returning evil for evil, vengeance† (Webster Dictionary). This play introduces Hamlet, a prince who goes on the quest to take revenge on his uncle who killed his father and Hamlet won’t rest on until he gives his uncle the punishment for killing the king. But this quest for him to get his revenges has some consequences that could lead to many deaths including himself. Hamlet thirst for revenge clouds his judgements, which leads to drastic consequences. The feeling of revengeRead MoreThe Death Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1522 Words   |  7 PagesThere are only a handful of experiences that everyone must practice, and one of the most provocative is death. For some, death is fearfully avoided, but for others, it is constantly sought after. Suicide is a topic that impacts all kinds of people, so much so that it is often addressed in literature. For real people and fictional characters such as Shakespeare’s Hamlet, prince of Denmark, thoughts of self-harm are brought about by overwhelming emotions that became almost too heavy to handle aloneRead More Death and Suicide in Hamlet by William Shakespeare1100 Words   |  5 Pages is one of the top leading causes of death worldwide. Every year, more than a million people commit suicide, successfully ending whatever feelings of despair, pressure, or suffering they felt when alive. Yet statistics show that the number of nonfatal suicide attempts exceeds that of actual complet ed suicides. Failed attempts of taking one’s own life reveal the deep, undermining uncertainties humans have about death. Such inquiries as to whether life or death is better stream into human perceptionRead MoreThe Death Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1325 Words   |  6 PagesDeath is the Key One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel. This saying means that one awful person or event can infect others and cause them to change also. This can be seen in Hamlet, when King Hamlet dies in the beginning of the play. Hamlet, like any other Shakespearean tradgedy, contains a series betrayal and death. Hamlet seeks revenge when his deceased father’s ghost tells him that his uncle, Claudius, murdered him. Since Hamlet’s grief for his father was expressed more than any other characterRead MoreDeath Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1114 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the theme of death is thoroughly expressed through symbolism. Death, a primary element in Hamlet, taunts and dances around the characters preceding the death of Hamlet’s father. The symbols representing death become increasingly more prominent as the play progresses, they appear in both ironic and bold forms. The enigma that death poses drives key points in the plot of the play. Collectively, the symbols of death in Hamlet provoke and foreshadow this essential tragicRead MoreThe Death Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare906 Words   |  4 PagesThe protagonist, Hamlet, his mother Queen Gertrude and her husband King Claudius, along with Hamlet’s love interest Ophelia are all affected by human sin through the evocation of sickness and rot. Sin, the driving force of the play, impacts each character, decaying his or her mind, resulting in the emotional and physical demise of each character and the decay of the state of Denmark, which has become â€Å"rotten† after Claudius poisons his own brother and weds his sister-in-law. William Shakespeare’s tragicRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Hamlet s Death1177 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s Hamlet has a multitude of not only characters, but also many different character scenarios going on as well. The play begins with us learning of the death of Hamlet’s father , King Hamlet, and the marriage of Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude, to her now ex brother-in-law Claudius. We later discover that the now king, Claudius, killed his brother and are left to question if he and Gertrude had been having an affair the entire time and whether Gertrude had a hand in King Hamlet’s deathRead MoreDeath in William Shakespeare ´s Hamlet Essay585 Words   |  3 PagesIn the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, Hamlet struggles with the abrupt death of his father at the hands of his uncle. It is in the very beginning of the play that Hamlet voices his opinion that death would be a peaceful release. But as the play progresses his attitude begins to slowly doubt the serenity in death. Hamlet had been surrounded by death but had yet to come face to face with it, escaping the lessons the world was trying to teach him. It is within Act 5 scene 1 that Hamlet has a directRead MoreThe Theme Of Death In Hamlet By William Shakespeare925 Words   |  4 PagesDeat h can be defined as; the permanent and irreversible cessation of the vital functions that result in the end of one’s life. Death itself can have many different causes such as disease, old age or even something as gruesome as murder. In the Elizabethan era, it seems as though murder was commonly used to solve problems as in several of William Shakespeares plays, characters are killed so that more dominant characters can obtain what they truly desire. In William Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet death

Job Evaluation a Cornerstone to Hrm Practices Free Essays

| | | | |edith cowan university faculty of business and law | | | | | | | |mba 5712- hr | | | | | | | | | |assignment 1 | |JOB ANALYSIS A ‘CORNERSTONE’ OF | |ALL HRM PRACTICES AND ACTIVITIES | | | | | | | |MUTEMA CHELLA 10157835 | | | | | LECUTRER: MR. D. PHIRI Submission Date: 13th April 2010 | | TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION3 RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION3 SELECTION4 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT4 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT5 REMUNERATION MANAGEMENT6 PROMOTION OF WORKPLACE SAFTY AND HEALTH6 CONCLUSION7 REFERENCES8 INTRODUCTION To discuss why job analysis is sometimes said to be the ‘cornerstone’ of all the human resource management practices and activities, six Human Resource functions or practices are listed and then showing how job analysis data is utilised in each of these activities. We will write a custom essay sample on Job Evaluation a Cornerstone to Hrm Practices or any similar topic only for you Order Now Job analysis is aptly called so because success or failure of the human resource function in an organisation can directly be attributed to the consequences of job analysis (Siddharth, 2009 October). Siddharth (2009) further contends that Job analysis encompasses understanding and closely evaluating the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual in performing a particular role. It’s like performing a Personal Profile Analysis of an invisible person. Once performed, job analysis would throw open a plethora of answers to how Recruitment, Performance Management, Training, Compensation benchmarking and several other processes should follow for the incumbent on the said job. Job analysis refers to procedures for systematically understanding the work that gets done in an organisation and the basic goal is to understand what people do, how they do it and what skills they need to do the work well (Jackson Schuler, 2003). According to Jackson Schuler, the results of the job analysis are used to write job descriptions. A job description spells out essential job functions, describes the conditions in which the job is performed and states special training or certification requirements for the job. For employees, job description produced through job analysis serves as a guide to work behaviour while for supervisors and managers; a job description serves as a guide to performance evaluation and feedback. This essay therefore focuses on trying to show that job analysis provides the foundation upon which to build virtually all components of HR system identified as follows;. RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION Recruitment involves searching for and obtaining qualified applicants for the organization to consider when filling job openings (Jackson Schuler, 2003). In the function of recruitment the job analysis would determine recruitment sources and methods. To find the most suitable employees for jobs and thus for the organisation as a whole, those involved in employee recruitment need to be fully aware of the relevant job description and person specification which can only be derived from comprehensive job analysis (Baired etal, 2008). Effective programs for recruitment should attract suitably qualified applicants and discourage those who are unsuitable. One would therefore say that knowing a defined set of competencies allows one to more efficiently target, within a candidates population those competencies for recruitment. SELECTION Selection is the process of obtaining and using information about job applicants in order to determine who should be hired for long or short-term position. Jackson Schuler (2003) contend that it begins with an assessment of the requirements to be met by the new hire, including technical aspects of a job and the more difficult to quantify organizational need (Jackson Schuler, 2003). Applicants are then assessed to determine their competencies, preference, interests and personality. For productivity and retention, companies such as Southwest, Lincoln Electric, Honda GE, and Toyota hire on the basis of whether an individual matches the job requirements and the corporate culture (Jackson Schuler, 2003) To do a proper selection of the candidate to be employed it is vital to establish the essential features of the job descriptions and person specifications to allow for objective and easier assessment of applicants (Baired etal, 2008). Selection criteria must be demonstrably job relevant and equitably applied, to facilitate comparison between candidates and the matching of candidates with jobs. They are invaluable in the initial short listing of large numbers of applicants, employment testing, interviewing and subsequent referee checking (Baired etal, 2008) Done very well selection practice ensures that employees are capable of high productivity and motivated to stay with the organization for as long as the organization wants to employ them. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT In general, an organisation’s training and development practices are its intentional efforts to improve current and future performance by helping employees acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitude required of competitive work force (Jackson Schuler, 2003). Rapidly changing technology, foreign competition, and changes in organisational strategy and strategic business objectives are putting pressure on organizations to train and develop employees for competitive advantage. This requires careful attention to needs assessment, program development and implementation, and evaluation. Four types of types of needs analysis-organisational, job, person, and demographic-are designed to diagnose systematically the short and long term human resource needs of an organisation (Jackson Schuler, 2003). Any discrepancies between the experience, knowledge, skills and abilities demonstrated by a job holder and the requirement contained in the job description and specification or list of competencies for that job provide clues to development needs (Baired etal, 2008). Training development is merely the development and assessment of said competencies for both the employee and the employer. However, without job analysis the organisation would have no way to know what to teach; train and develop and when to do it. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT A performance management system is a formal, structured process used to measure, evaluate, and influence an employee’s job related attributes, behaviours, performance results (Arvey Murphy, 1998). Two components of performance management system are (a) performance measurement and feedback for individuals and team, and (b) the rewards component of total compensation (Jackson Schuler, 2003). A well designed performance measurement and feedback process directs employees’ attention toward the most important tasks and behaviours. It informs employees about what’s valued and provides information about whether the employees’ behaviour and results meet the expectations of managers, colleagues, and customers (Jackson Schuler, 2003) To emphasise the importance of performance management, it is said that; ‘It is estimated that if companies could get 3. 7% more work out of each employee, the equivalent of 18 more minutes of work in each 8-hour shift, the gross domestic product in the United States would swell by $355 billion, twice the GDP of Greece (Jackson Schuler, 2003). The job description and person specification, the result of the job analysis, provide the criteria for evaluating the performance of the holder of the job. Performance Management can therefore be said to be that by knowing the competencies required for each job or job family allows HR (or management) to track employee knowledge, skills and abilities and distribute them accordingly to wherever they may have the most impact within an organization. These competencies may also be tied to other organizational-level criteria for added impact and a validity check. As has been mentioned this is as a result of job analysis REMUNERATION MANAGEMENT Compensation or remuneration typically includes a mix of several elements, monetary and non monetary forms of rewards. Monetary compensation includes direct payments such as salary, wages, and bonuses, and indirect payments such payments to cover the cost of private and public insurance plans. Nonmonetary compensation include many forms of social and psychological rewards-recognition and respect from others, enjoyment from doing the job itself, opportunity for self-development (Jackson Schuler, 2003). Many workplace agreements emphasise the close relationship between job requirements, learning and development programs, career progression and appropriate salary and benefits systems. Baired etal, (2008) further contends that inappropriate remuneration packages may reflect a need for change of job requirements or adjusted pay scales, often in consultation with the relevant unions. It can be said that competencies help guide compensation models to a much more precise degree than more gross measures like â€Å"seniority. For example, a highly sought after software developer with very unique skills may be able to demand on the market a much higher salary than a typical MCSE who has been with the company for X number of years. A competency based compensation model would address that. Again, a job analysis done properly will help determine pay scale. PROMOTION OF WORKPLACE SAFTY AND HEALTH Another of the Human Resource function is the promotion of safety and health at the workplace. Job analysis procedures can be used to identify aspects of a job that may contribute to workplace injuries, and ergonomic principals can be applied to redesign the work environment (Jackson Schuler, 2003). Workplace safety and health refers to the physical and psychological conditions of a workforce that result from work environment provided by the organisation. Physical conditions include occupational diseases and accidents such as actual loss of life or limb; repetitive motion injuries, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, cardiovascular disease, other forms of cancer and other conditions that are known to result from unhealthy work environment include white central nervous system damage. While psychological conditions result from organisational stress and a low quality of working life, these encompass, dissatisfaction, apathy, and withdrawal and so on (Jackson Schuler, 2003). If an organisation takes effective safety and health measures, fewer employees will have short or long term ill effects as a result of being employed at the organization (Cooper Neck, 2000). Both the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) of the UK require evidence-based approaches to setting physical and medical employment standards. Proven fitness related strategies include redesigning the most demanding tasks, selecting and training personnel who possess the necessary physical attributes, and assessing and redeploying personnel to jobs within their capability. An essential precursor to pursuing these strategies is to conduct a job analysis to quantify the physical demands of the job (Rayson, 2000) . ). CONCLUSION Job Analysis is quite aptly called the â€Å"corner stone† of all HR activities because the success or failure of the HR function in an organization can directly be attributed to the consequences of Job Analysis. If not carried out or not conducted accurately and comprehensively the other HR processes will be ineffective and the cost to the organisation high in terms of productivity and the ability to retain valuable staff Job analysis encompasses understanding and closely evaluating the knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual in performing a particular role. It’s like performing a Personal Profile Analysis of an invisible person. Once performed, job analysis would throw open a plethora of answers to how Recruitment, Performance Management, Training, Compensation benchmarking and several other processes should follow for the incumbent on the said job. Get the job analysis wrong and you’ll get the wrong person while recruiting, inefficient and sometimes irrelevant performance management measures, increased training expenditure, improper pay with respect to the market and a whole lot of other issues. . REFERENCES Arvey, R. D, Murphy K. R (1998) Performance Evaluation in Work Settings, Annual Review Psychology 49, 141-168 Baird, M. , Compton, R Nankervis, A. (2008) Human Resource Management: Strategies (6th ed. ). Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing Co. Cooper, K, Neck C. (May 2000) The Fit Executive; Exercise and Diet Guideline for Enhancing Performance, Academy of Management Executive 14(2), 72-83 Jackson E. S Schuler, R (2003) Managing Human Resources Through Strategic Partnerships (8th ed. ). Thomson South-Western Publishing Co Rayson, M. P. (2000) Fitness for work: the need for conducting a job analysis, Occup. Med. Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 434-436, 2000. Retrieved April 12, 2010, from http://occmed. oxfordjournals. org How to cite Job Evaluation a Cornerstone to Hrm Practices, Papers